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Recreating Heritage Sites in VR/ AR for Museums

From Portalium's perspective, our keen interest in AR/VR/XR lies in their potential to digitally preserve and bring heritage sites to life for the tourism industry. Our primary goal is to safeguard these sites from degradation while offering an immersive and educational tourism experience. By using these technologies, we aim to make cultural heritage more accessible, serve as a valuable resource for education and research, and, when appropriate, generate revenue to sustain ongoing preservation efforts. Ultimately, our mission is to bridge the gap between the past and the present, ensuring that these treasures remain accessible and appreciated by people worldwide.

Portalium: Rediscovering Heritage in Virtual Realms

Customizable experiences for different cultural heritage sites, ensuring a unconstrained experience different from 360 Vr videos


In essence, our enthusiasm for AR/VR/XR technology is rooted in a resolute commitment to heritage preservation, education, and elevating the tourism experience. Through our endeavors at Portalium, we seek not only to shield these irreplaceable sites but also to make them accessible and captivating for a global audience.

Immerse yourself in interactive virtual environments and enhance your museums& organizations visitor numbers and income 


We ensure that the cultural legacy they embody continues to thrive in the digital age. Furthermore, we firmly believe that museums and organizations can significantly enhance their visitor numbers and income by offering immersive VR experiences to their patrons for a fee, thereby opening up new avenues for sustainability and engagement.

Gain a deeper understanding of cultural heritage through educational content and expert insights


One of the our ultimate goals encompasses deploying these technologies as educational tools. Educational institutions, universities, and researchers can harness our VR recreations to delve deeply into the study and understanding of these sites. This resource is invaluable for historical research, archaeology, and education.

Want to be a partner museum? Sign up for a free demo

Sign up and get a free demo for only limited access. You can try with your VR glass. Contact us for further information on how to download the demo. 

Don't you have a VR, no worries. Go one of our partner museums to try the VR.

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